It started as a concept for a student lab filled with the latest technology. The Christel House Mexico Idea Lab offers access to robotics, 3D modeling, and programming projects. Surrounded by students, Daniel Espinosa, Master Teacher for Innovation in Education and ICT, and Executive Director Javier Alarcon performed a ribbon-cutting to open the new space.
The lab is designed to allow mobility and collaboration. The room is equipped with 32 laptops and five high performance desktops to accommodate the necessary programs for student learning. “It's important to give students the best experiences available in terms of access and use of the newest materials, software, technology, and methodologies in education,” says Espinosa. Student feedback about the Idea Lab has been positive. “They feel different in that space. They feel like they're at a private university when they access the Idea Lab. It’s very professional.” He adds, “The Idea Lab is only the first part of the new environment we want to redesign at the school.” David Brown, a long-time friend of Christel House Mexico, provided support for the new Idea Lab and is passionate about technology and education. During the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he announced two new annual scholarships for Christel House students. Brown is inviting friends to join him in creating a gift that will allow the school to continue with their technology plans. If you would like to contribute, please Click here to donate.